Multi-Agency Risk Assessment conference (MARAC)

A Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) is a nationally recognised process to identify how professionals can help victim-survivors at high risk of serious harm or death from domestic abuse.

Professionals hold regular local MARAC meetings to discuss cases.

MARACs are attended by:

  • Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA)
  • police
  • children and adult statutory services
  • health
  • probation
  • substance misuse services
  • other relevant agencies

They discuss current concerns about a case and share information they have about a victim, any connected children and the perpetrator of the abuse.

The meeting formulates an action plan. This helps to reduce risks to the victim and their family.

Making a MARAC referral

Where possible, complete and include a Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment Risk Identification Checklist (DASH RIC) form with your MARAC referral.

Make a MARAC referral (external link)

For queries regarding the MARAC referral and meeting process, contact the MARAC support team by emailing:


Cases and concerns discussed at MARAC present a potential threat or risk to a victim-survivor's life. This justifies organisations to share information without the consent of the victim-survivor.

Agencies signed up to the West Sussex MARAC Operational Protocol and Information Sharing Guidance can share information they hold on parties referred and discussed at MARAC.

MARAC confidentiality declaration form (PDF, 169KB)

Victim's voice

The MARAC process must, as far as possible, make the victim's voice central to the process. If a person does not consent, this may prove challenging. Professionals must keep this in mind and do their best to ensure the victim is heard throughout the process.

MARAC governance

West Sussex MARACs are held accountable and governed by the West Sussex MARAC Steering Group. This provides a platform to embed the process in key local partnerships to promote sustainability and ensure the MARAC demonstrates that it is a process which is structured to deliver equity of outcome to all involved in the MARAC process.

See the steering group terms of reference for more information.

MARAC Steering Group terms of reference (PDF, 140KB)