Raising a concern and safeguarding information
How to raise a concern about a child or adult. Report a hate crime or community tensions in your local area. Find support for safeguarding issues, such as domestic and sexual violence and abuse, radicalisation and extremism and digital safety.
Concerns about the safety of a child or young person
If you are worried about the safety of a child or young person, you can raise a concern.
Raise a concern about an adult
If you are worried about the safety of an adult, you can raise a concern.
Domestic and sexual violence and abuse
If you have concerns about domestic and sexual violence and abuse and you wish to access support for yourself or others please see the information on the West Sussex County Council website.
Radicalisation and extremism
If you have concerns about radicalisation and extremism you can access more information on the West Sussex County Council website.
Hate crime
You can raise a concern or report a hate crime on the West Sussex County Council website.
Criminal exploitation
Life-Lines: a Sussex Probation film.
Support with digital safety
If you or your business become a victim of cybercrime, you can find out what support is available on the West Sussex County Council website.