Contextual safeguarding courses

Safeguarding courses offered by the Safer West Sussex Partnership

About contextual safeguarding

Contextual safeguarding is a term that is used to describe ways of responding to the various risks children and young people may face outside the home, in the places and spaces they spend their time. We have developed a range of learning opportunities to help practitioners and those working in community spaces to recognise and respond contextually.

Available courses

  • West Sussex contextual safeguarding elearning course details


    This online video-based course to understand the complexities of growing up and the impact physical, emotional and social changes that take place during adolescence can have on children and young people’s risk or safety. The course also helps practitioners to understand the principles of working contextually to address the risks that young people may face in the spaces they spend their time (including online) and to develop appropriate safeguarding responses.

    Delivery method

    Online elearning.

    Intended audience

    Anyone living or working in West Sussex can access this course. It is available free of charge to most people and organisations (some exceptions apply).

    Length of input

    Around 1 hour to complete.

    Intended outcome of delivery

    • Identify potential contexts where harm can occur.
    • Explain how safety and wellbeing can vary by context and peer association.
    • Describe the role partners have in a broadened scope of contextual child protection.
    • List some of the locality responses and various contextual tools to aid practice.
    • Access Contextual Safeguarding Resources including your local Contextual Safeguarding Practice Champion.


    You can book through the West Sussex County Council Learning and Development Gateway - West Sussex contextual safeguarding elearning training

  • Recognising and responding to child exploitation using a contextual safeguarding approach course details


    Full day online course delivered by 'Children and Young People First' supports practitioners to develop greater awareness of child exploitation. This includes recognising potential indicators of harm and the ways children can come to be exploited, together with an awareness of contextual safeguarding and how it is linked into responding to child exploitation.

    Delivery method

    Webinar (dates scheduled throughout 2024).

    Intended audience

    Practitioners working with children and young people as well as people working within communities across West Sussex (including but not limited to schools, police and youth justice, health workers and the community and voluntary sector). Delegates are expected to have completed the West Sussex contextual safeguarding elearning course prior to commencing this training.

    Length of input

    Full day course.

    Intended outcome of delivery

    • Recognise the potential indicators of child exploitation and how children can come to be exploited.
    • Demonstrate an awareness of contextual safeguarding and how it is linked into responding to child exploitation.
    • Analyse the key factors of exploitation in relation to local child safeguarding practice reviews.


    You can book through the West Sussex County Council Learning and Development Gateway - Recognising and responding to child exploitation using a contextual safeguarding approach training

  • Understanding adolescence and contextual safeguarding course details


    Short online session introducing the concepts of forming, storming and norming of adolescence; highlighting the impact of neuro-science and the juxtaposition of public policy contributing to adolescent risk and safety outside the home. The session touches on contextual safeguarding practice and how we are working together in West Sussex to provide opportunities to expand child protection; including local pathways for tackling forms of extra familial risk such as exploitation and serious violence, together with the practical tools and partnerships being developed.

    Delivery method

    Webinar (by request).

    Intended audience

    Practitioners working with children and young people as well as people working within communities across West Sussex (including but not limited to schools, health workers, and the community and voluntary sector).

    Length of input

    Takes around an hour to complete if you do the mandatory sections and the section most relevant to your own sector.

    Intended outcome of delivery

    • Recognise key features of adolescent development including those which are specific to anglophone countries.
    • Understand societal responses to growing up, including the child protection system.
    • Explain the concepts of extra familial harm & risk outside the home.
    • Identify potential contexts where harm can occur.
    • Describe the role of partners in contextual child protection including exercising professional curiosity and caring.
    • List some of the locality responses & various contextual tools to aid local practice.
    • Access Contextual Safeguarding Resources including local Contextual Safeguarding Practice Champions.


    Available upon request. Please contact

  • West Sussex contextual safeguarding champions network details


    Multi-agency network of practitioners and professionals from a range of services and organisations across West Sussex who meet on a regular basis, with a shared aim of developing contextual ways of responding to extra familial harm and championing best practice.

    Delivery method

    Champions meet at least quarterly online and in face to face network meetings.

    Intended audience

    Champions represent West Sussex County Council, Sussex Police, Health agencies, schools, and district and borough community safety teams.

    If you would like more information about the West Sussex contextual safeguarding champions network and/or work in West Sussex and would like to join the network yourself, please contact

Find out more about who needs to pay for our courses on the training charges page.