Modern slavery and exploitation courses

Modern slavery and exploitation courses offered by the Safer West Sussex Partnership

Available courses

  • Serious organised crime (including county lines and cuckooing) course details


    This training session will focus on, and provide you with, the opportunity to explore the issues surrounding serious organised crime (SOC), County Lines and Cuckooing, including the means to identify these issues and the knowledge to act in order to safeguard vulnerable people and their communities.

    Delivery method


    Intended audience

    This webinar is for anyone working in children's or adults' social care and is also suitable for all local authority employees, including partnership agencies, district and boroughs and volunteer services.

    Length of input

    2 hours 30 minutes.

    Intended outcome of delivery

    • Define the terms “Serious and Organised Crime”, “Gangs”, “County Lines”, “Cuckooing” and some examples of street slang and gang terminology.
    • Recognise the scale of the County Lines phenomenon and its social/cultural context.
    • Recognise the signs that someone is involved in County Lines.
    • Recognise the signs that someone’s property is being cuckooed.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of effective partnership safeguarding to protect and support young people or vulnerable adults and how to report concerns.


    You can book the serious organised crime training on West Sussex County Council L&D Gateway.

  • Modern slavery, human trafficking and exploitation basic awareness course details


    This training session will focus on and provide you with the opportunity to explore the issues surrounding modern slavery, human trafficking and exploitation, including the means to identify these issues and the knowledge to act in order to safeguard and safely report potential victims. This session will also raise awareness of the National Referral Mechanism (NRM).

    Delivery method


    Intended audience

    This webinar is for anyone working in children's or adults' social care and is also suitable for all local authority employees, including partnership agencies, district and boroughs and volunteer services.

    Length of input

    2 hours 30 minutes.

    Intended outcome of delivery

    • Define what modern slavery, human trafficking and exploitation are.
    • Recognise the context of modern slavery and human trafficking in relation to culture, society and the law.
    • Identify the underlying causes of modern slavery.
    • Identify some of the different types of modern slavery and their identifying features.
    • Recognise when modern slavery is occurring.
    • Know what to do if you suspect that modern slavery is taking place, including referrals to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM).


    You can book through the West Sussex County Council Learning and Development Gateway - Modern slavery, human trafficking and exploitation training.

  • Essential safeguarding for taxi drivers course details


    This training session is for all taxi drivers who wish to undertake training to improve their knowledge and understanding of safeguarding, as indicated in the Licensing Process and the Department of Transport’s Statutory Standards.

    This session will cover a range of safeguarding issues, including child sexual exploitation, child criminal exploitation, domestic abuse, modern slavery, including County Lines operations, and radicalisation and extremism; and how and why taxi drivers provide a vital service and an important contribution in protecting communities, especially vulnerable individuals who may be at risk of criminal exploitation. It will also cover how taxi drivers can identify and report such incidents with confidence.

    Delivery method


    Intended audience

    Taxi drivers who have been asked to complete the safeguarding training by their licensing team as part of the licensing process, and any taxi driver who would like to refresh their safeguarding knowledge.

    Length of input

    2 hours.

    Intended outcome of delivery

    • A greater understanding of the main types of exploitation and abuse.
    • An in-depth understanding of what makes people vulnerable and susceptible to exploitation and abuse.
    • Knowledge and skills required to keep their passengers safe from harm.
    • Knowledge of the signs and symptoms (the indicators) of exploitation and abuse.
    • Knowledge of the referral process and who to contact.


    You can book through Eventbrite - Essential safeguarding training for taxi drivers.

    Once this course has been completed a mandatory assessment will need to be completed in order to obtain your certificate.

  • Serious organised crime and child exploitation, including county lines and money muling course details


    This training will enable anyone working with children and young people to develop their knowledge of the different forms of child criminal exploitation, including county lines, money muling, and any other emerging type of exploitation.

    Delivery method

    Face to face.

    Intended audience

    Leadership teams, teachers, teaching assistants, student teachers, non-teaching staff in primary and secondary educational settings, colleges, and alternative education providers. 

    Length of input

    This training can be booked for a 2-hour trainer-led session, or for a 3 hour more interactive session.

    Intended outcome of delivery

    • To recognise the scale of child criminal exploitation and serious organised crime.
    • To understand the different types of child criminal exploitation.
    • To know the recruitment methods.
    • To understand vulnerabilities.
    • To understand the facilitating factors to recruiting children and young people.
    • To be able to spot the signs of child criminal exploitation.
    • To understand the impact of criminal exploitation on the victim, their family, peers and communities.
    • To understand the importance of the safeguarding response when exploitation is suspected.


    You can book the training by logging into WSSfS, visiting the 'store', and searching 'serious organised crime'.

Find out more about who needs to pay for our courses on the training charges page.

Bespoke training sessions

We recognise that a training session often needs to be tailored to the needs of a team or service. If you work in adult social care, the housing sector, procurement or contract management, the care sector, the volunteering sector or with any vulnerable people, we can deliver more specific training to your team. This will include the latest information on modern slavery, human trafficking and exploitation and recommendations in your sector.

For further information, please email