January 2025 news

View our news items from January 2025.

Hidden batteries cause fires - dispose of them safely in 2025

Across the UK, over 700 fires were caused by residents putting batteries in their household recycling or general waste bins in 2022!

As we welcome the New Year, many of us are looking to clear out old, unwanted items, but don't forget to dispose of all kinds of batteries, including those hidden batteries inside electric toothbrushes, toys and more, safely.

It's easy to do the right thing, put your batteries in a box or drawer and never in the bin. Then drop them off at your local supermarket, electrical retailer, nearest Recycling Centre, or use your local district and borough's free battery collection (where available).

Adur and Worthing, Crawley, Horsham and Mid Sussex offer kerbside collections for batteries but they all collect these slightly differently, so visit our household collections page for more information.

Don't forget about vapes! Looking to quit smoking in 2025? Vapes also contain batteries, so it is important they are disposed of safely too.

Vapes can be disposed of at our Recycling Centres in the designated container. Alternatively, all of the districts and boroughs in West Sussex will collect these as part of their kerbside small electrical collections.

If you live in the Horsham district, they have recently introduced two new collection points for used disposable vapes and batteries as a trial to encourage residents to dispose of these items more safely for recycling. More information on these collection points can be found on the Horsham District council website.

Visit our small electricals page for more information or watch our short video below:

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Answering your questions on the Waste Prevention Community Grant Fund

Last month we announced, in partnership with Biffa, the launch of the Waste Prevention Community Grant Fund, opening for applications on 13 January 2025.

This grant fund is designed to empower local community groups, schools, charities and social enterprises to take innovative steps in reducing household waste. With grants of up to £5,000 available, this is a fantastic opportunity to bring your waste prevention ideas to life and reduce waste in West Sussex!

A webinar will be hosted online via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 21 January 2025, at 6.00pm to answer any questions and will talk through the application portal and process.

To register your interest in the webinar and to ask questions ahead of time, visit the how to apply section on our Waste Prevention Community Grant Fund page.

Applications open on Monday 13 January 2025 and close on Sunday 2 March 2025. For more details on eligibility and how to apply, visit the Waste Prevention Community Grant Fund page.

Worthing Reuse shop

Our second reuse shop at the Worthing Recycling Centre on Willowbrook Road opened last month! This initiative is part of our commitment to reducing waste and promoting reuse across the county.

Following the success of the first reuse shop at Billingshurst Recycling Centre, which has saved over 51 tonnes of materials for reuse since its launch in March 2022, the Worthing shop aims to build on this!

You do not need to book to visit the new Worthing reuse shop as it can be accessed without entering the Recycling Centre. However, to donate, you will need to book an appointment. Appointments can be made online.

Donations need to be in good working order as shop staff cannot repair or refurbish items.

The shops are able to accept:

  • board games and puzzles
  • books
  • candles and tea light holders
  • children's toys
  • computer games
  • crockery (for example, plates, bowls, mugs, glasses and teapots)
  • DVD’s, CDs and records
  • internal and external furniture (for example, chairs, tables and desks)
  • pots and pans
  • silverware
  • tools and toolboxes

and more...

Both reuse shops operate five days a week, year-round:

  • Billingshurst reuse shop: Closed on Thursday and Friday.
  • Worthing reuse shop: Closed on Wednesday and Thursday, even during extended summer hours at the Recycling Centre.

For more information about the shops and other Recycling Centre reuse initiatives, visit our Recycling centre reuse page.

Free schools Waste and Climate Action Programme

January marks International Day of Education and we’re celebrating by highlighting our Schools Waste and Climate Action Programme - Wastebusters.

Schools play a key role in addressing climate change by inspiring and equipping young people with the tools and mindset to be proactive, responsible global citizens. Wastebusters offers support, tools and resources to make it easy for your child's school to become more resource-efficient to improve their environmental performance and unlock financial savings and rewards.

The Wastebuster programme is free to all schools in West Sussex and with many schools already making great use of the programme we don’t want others to miss out! Ask your school if they are aware of the programme and, if not, please share! Find more information on our Waste prevention and recycling education page.

Upcoming waste prevention events

Throughout West Sussex, we are proud to work alongside a team of passionate recycling and waste prevention volunteers. They attend public and private events to promote waste prevention, reuse, and recycling, and are eager to answer questions about the county's recycling services and waste reduction initiatives.

In addition to the public events listed below, we are participating in numerous privately hosted talks and events for local community groups, schools, and other organisations. If you would like our team to give a talk, visit your school, attend an event, or if you would like more information, please contact us at: waste.prevention@westsussex.gov.uk.

We also support our partners at the district and borough councils with community outreach in selected areas, engaging residents on both recycling and waste prevention topics.

January/February events

  • Friday 10 January 2.00pm to 4.00pm - Clothes and Book Swap, The Chapel, Graylingwell Drive, Chichester, PO19 6BZ
  • Monday 15 January 10.30am to 12.30pm - Waste prevention stand, Horsham Unitarian Church, Worthing Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1SL
  • Wednesday 24 January 10.00am to 6.00pm - 'Reach Out' Face-to-Face Community Engagement Roadshow, County Mall Shopping Centre, Crawley, RH10 1FP
  • Thursday 25 January 10.00am to 6.00pm - 'Reach Out' Face-to-Face Community Engagement Roadshow, County Mall Shopping Centre, Crawley, RH10 1FP
  • Wednesday 19 February 10.30am to 12.30pm - Waste prevention stand, Horsham Unitarian Church, Worthing Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1SL